TEST Why are food prices stubbornly high even as inflation cools? | WTAM | 01/10/2023

Video URL: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qeex8OLcwzHO4Q9ejvnlJ89PV3BWv_ZG/view Just had an amazing interview on WTAM in Cleveland! While discussing the topic of rising food prices with Stephen Patterson, financial strategist and director of client Relations for Key City Capital. We talked about the variety of factors that have contributed to the rising food prices like bird blue, avian blue, the conflict in Ukraine, and abnormally high gas prices. Stephen pointed out that it takes a while for the effects of gas prices to work through the system and we won’t see any decrease in consumer food items for another 6 months. We also discussed the potential of rising gas prices this summer, which could erase any relief we were going to see with food items. Stephen emphasized how important it is that we create a domestic energy policy and how the Fed is using the tool that they have, but Congress has the power of the purse. ##Additional Comments This is cool. At the end of the interview, Stephen shared his wisdom on our financial situation. It was an enlightening conversation, and I’m glad to have had the opportunity to talk about this issue and the potential solutions. Make sure to listen in to WTAM for more great interviews!

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